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Category Archives: Employment Law

Reasons Your Workers’ Comp Claim May Be Denied, and What to Do About It

Workers’ compensation is designed to be a no-fault system, providing benefits to employees injured or made ill by their work regardless of who is to blame for an accident. However, there are several common reasons why workers’ compensation claims are denied, creating potential obstacles to receiving these benefits. The following are the most frequent reasons… Read More »

When Is a Noncompete Agreement Enforceable?

A noncompete agreement is a contract by which an employee is bound not to enter into competition with a former employer. In New Jersey, these agreements have generally been enforceable if they meet specific conditions designed to balance the interests of employers and employees.  On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission issued a rule… Read More »

New Jersey Bill Targets Bias in Use of AI in Hiring

Employers in recent years have made increased use of artificial intelligence in recruitment and hiring. There is growing reliance on AI tools to sort through large volumes of applicants and winnow them down to short lists of suitable candidates. However, critics have pointed out the danger of these systems producing discriminatory results. New Jersey legislators… Read More »

Spotting Signs That You May Have Been Wrongfully Terminated

Most employees in New Jersey are hired “at will,” which means their employers may terminate them without cause. But this doesn’t mean that any termination is legal. Employers may not terminate an employee for a reason prohibited by New Jersey or federal law. An employee subjected to wrongful termination may take legal action to protect… Read More »

NJ Legislature on Track to Ban Non-Disparagement Clauses in Employment Agreements

  A non-disparagement clause is often contained in a written agreement between an employer and employee and states the employee will not say negative things about the company. These clauses are quite restrictive and designed to stop employees from talking about a current or former employer’s leadership, products or services to friends, venting on social… Read More »

Your Options for Filing a New Jersey Employment Discrimination Claim

Employees and job candidates in New Jersey and around the country have the right to be free from discrimination in the workplace. Despite state and federal laws that prohibit employers from treating people differently based on race, age, sex, religion, disability and other protected characteristics, the problem persists. If you have been discriminated against at… Read More »

Employers Can’t Discriminate Based on Your Immigration Status

It’s widely known that federal civil rights laws outlaw employment discrimination on certain bases, such as race, gender and religion. But did you know that it’s also against the law for most employers to discriminate against people on the basis of their legal immigration status? A section of the Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA) prohibits… Read More »

How to Prove Sexual Harassment by a New Jersey Employer

Sexual harassment has long been a serious problem in workplaces throughout the United States. Despite the #MeToo movement, enforcing laws against sexual harassment remains problematic. Often, this is because of the difficulty of proving that illegal misconduct occurred. However, meritorious cases can be won through careful and thorough gathering of evidence. In New Jersey, the… Read More »

How to Know If You’ve Been Wrongfully Terminated

In New Jersey, most people who work are at-will employees. This means their employer can fire them for most any reason, or for no reason at all, as long as no federal or state law is violated. But if you’ve been fired, it’s not always easy to figure out the true motives for the termination… Read More »

NJ Legislators Consider Bill to Outlaw Discrimination Based on Height and Weight

Studies have shown that overweight adults encounter 12 times more weight-based employment discrimination than thinner adults. Now, a proposed bill in the state Senate would make New Jersey the second state in the nation to ban discrimination against employees due to their height or weight. If passed, the Senate bill would add height and weight… Read More »